This is a replay of the live broadcast with Lottie Hearn PPPlay! and Roy Montero
My Recent Blabs
- 22. Women Speakers JTFoxx? Let’s find them on camera!
- Wk. 21 – Meet the @NetDublin Biz Women of the Year Nominees w Lottie Hearn
- Wk.19 – What Do you do when “IT” happens with #ConfidenceonCamera?
- 4pm GMT @DubCham #MOMENTUM SUMMIT 2016 – What Momentum Did We Win Today?
- 2pm GMT – @DubCham #MOMENTUM SUMMIT 2016 Afternoon Pep-Talks
- 12pm GMT – @DubCham #MOMENTUM SUMMIT 2016 Lunchtime Laughs
- 12pm GMT – @DubCham #MOMENTUM SUMMIT 2016 Lunchtime Laughs
- 10am GMT – @DubCham #MOMENTUM SUMMIT 2016 LIVE Networking Natters
- 8:00am GMT – Welcome to @DubCham #Momentum Summit 2016 Live in Dublin
- 16. #FridayVideoBlab: How to Grow Your Business on Screen via Virtual Summits
- 15. Take 2: Why Happiness Counts on Camera w Lottie + Frederika Roberts
- Dublin Chamber of Commerce Biz Owners Network BON – Momentum Summit 2016 Blab
- 14. #FridayVideoBlab – Why Livestream for Business? Lottie Hearn + Zef_Zan GO!
- 13. #FridayVideoBlab – Why Happiness Helps on Camera? Lottie + Frederika Roberts
- 13. #FridayVideoBlab – Why Happiness Helps on Camera? Lottie + Frederika Roberts
- 12. Why Productivity can help your videos? Lottie Hearn + @CiaraConlon
- 11. Let’s Chat #ConfidenceonCamera – why do you need it for business video?
- Wk 10. What is FB Live Video? Lottie chats w Carole Smith @SynNeoMarketing
- BONUS 15m Video Blab – Welcome Amazing Kanuk Faith Wood @Inspiring_Minds to Blab
- Wk. 9 – @IrishCancerSoc #DaffodilDay Live in Dublin – How Easy is Mobile Blab?
- Wk 8. Friday 15m Video Blab – Why Voice Matters on Video w @PhoneAssassin
- Friday 15m Video Blab – What DO you say – when you say nothing at all…
- Friday 15min Video Blab wk5: #Edutainment=How to have fun on screen!
- Lottie Hearn-Confidence on Camera: 7 Steps to Present Your Power
- The Friday 15min VideoBlab wk4: Public Presenters-why be seen on screen vs live?
- #Netfriending – Catching Up with Lottie Hearn about Blab Talks versus TED Talks
- The Friday 15min Video Blab Wk 3: What does being “Camera Ready” mean to you?
- Fri 15min Video Blab Chat – Why you wants vs need to be on screen?
- Dublin Chamber of Commerce – meet the BON @DubCham Council Candidates
- The Friday 15min Video Blab – come chat #ConfidenceonCamera to #buildyourbiz
- #BraveBizConf Confidence on Camera – Live from the Irish SME Conference
- Leadership Series – Geoff & Lottie -Using Video and Voiceover in Your Training
Type in your pre-blab questions here by starting with /Q + your question and it will appear in the Questions section on the left – very clear for me to answer! OR come on screen and chat about your “Here I Camera, ready or not” stories!
/Hey Guys
@CoachJennie Good morning!
@BarbTUSA good morning
should i do that 😉
this is cinema direction?
Hello Lottie!!
what about lipstick lol
T’was a fabulous discussion, yes Lottie!!
Ooo AMEN … The MINDSET side for sure
Mindset 1
There is a balance… MINDSET to ensure you are giving your best
“Production Value”
Yep. We need to have a plan and a point. Also nice to not have anything in my teeth. 🙂
@royMontero nice word 🙂
The Camera Charmer
“To me through me.”
“What will watchers do because of you?” – Lottie
“I will …”
“I can …”
“I am …”
I haven’t seen much outside webinars
Virtual meetings still reigns supreme in the corporate world
I use VLOGS now so my network can get a feel for who i am not just what i say
“Talk with a smile.”
THAT message must be taught often here on Blab.
“Virtual Body Language”
thanks Lottie
Was good fun 🙂
can you guys get a virtual room haha
You mentioned Amy Cuddy.. your body position, stance effects your hormones and in turn effects mindset… use of power poses
Virtual body language audio only?
I’ve had a couple of people tell me that I should sit totally still when on camera, but I enjoy doing things like leaning forward into the camera when making a point.
No. I just want your answer
@BarbTUSA I think your body language should match the mood you want to portray on audio..
Eloquent save, Lottie. Don’t see how virtual body language can be effectively expressed or create audience valued impact audio only
Great show, Lottie. Got to run. Hugs
Not exaggerated, LOL. Subtle but still “active“
During one show (making announcements), I usually only lean in once (like to emphasize that an event is free, or that free snacks will be provided).
@shaylynch Welcome to Blab!
Roy, you’ve said that they’re not your targeted audience, and people react in a way that suggests that you’re being presumptive. I tend to think that it’s more like dealing with a person with a disability: You’re there and you’re “doing your thing,” but with a missing component. I mean no offense, mind.
It doesn’t really matter. You should be accepted at your level.
I’ve interviewed people audio-only, and it’s been fine.
@durhamskywriter too right – audio works for sure – it’s radio after all!
Great points! audio makes or break video
more so than anything else
so true
exactly! it’s about SERVING not how you look
I use have fun with, but then I nearly got arrested hehehe
love alignment
love that @roymontero: ALIGNMENT
They can learn, though–the dismissiveness might be offputting because they can expand the concept of what works.
Instead of ‘serve’ i meant
Too bad this wasn’t recorded
I always check the room when I enter, LOL.
@RoyMontero How do you create virtual body language audio only?
@HilaryJSteel Hello Hilary!!
that was great… 🙂
@shaylynch Thanks so much Shay by the way and for taking time to join us everyone! xx